Whatcha Up To, Coffee?! – 2024 #12

A weekly status update from everyone’s favourite caffeinated weirdo.

Welcome back to Whatcha Up To! Coffee here, and here’s to the end of another week. Summer’s finally arrived, which means lots of heat, lots of outdoor time and lots of fun in the two or so months ahead. Despite the upcoming fun in the sun, the work continues. Here’s what happened this week:

Whatcha Playin’, Coffee?

Still rockin’ Splatoon 2’s story mode. It’s been fun using the various Hero weapons to complete each mission. Truthfully though, I’d rather use my Dualies the whole way through, I love those weapons! Since I’m almost done with the campaign, I’ll be ready to take on the Octo Expansion next. I have high expectations about it as I’ve heard nothing but good things.

As is tradition in the Coffee household on June 23rd, I played a bit of Sonic the Hedgehog on the Genesis to celebrate Sonic’s birthday. As a lifelong fan, I can’t help but be amazed at the resurgence Sonic has had in recent years. I was there in 06, when the franchise hit rock bottom. I survived through the mediocre and bad titles (with the exception of Sonic Unleashed, because that game was AMAZING) that followed up until Sonic Mania. Back then, I was hard pressed to find any Sonic merch to proudly display. Now, between clothes, action figures and even Lego, I’m up to my ears in merch and I can’t keep up, haha. Kid Espresso even got Sonic Crocs and I’m super jealous of him! I wish I had something like that when I was his age!

Whatcha Writin’, Coffee?

Surprisingly enough, not a lot of writing this week. I’ve more or less been focused on the writing courses I’ve undertaken. That, and I’ve had little energy to write anything at the end of the day. Despite that, I’ve been planning things out on the writing scene. Tonight, I’ll address those edits and then keep grinding away on the critique. 

As for my coursework, I’ve learned a lot so far. The course focuses more on technical and business writing – things that sound out of character for me, but you’ll be surprised to know that I have a strong interest in those fields. Plus, there’s no reason this couldn’t be transferable to creative writing either? All this work, I feel, will make me a better writer in the end, and that’s all I can ever hope for.

Whatcha Readin’, Coffee?

Aside from what I’ve been assigned to read, nothing really. I’m hoping that will change once my holds at the library come through. I have some books on my library that I could dive into, but I don’t feel like it at the moment. I’m very much a mood reader and I’m currently in the mood to read books that will make me a better person. One in particular is a book that I stashed on Mrs. Coffee’s E-reader – Disrupting the Game by Reggie Fils-Amie. That might be the book I read next.

How’s Trainin’, Coffee?

On Monday, I started a 20-day workout challenge. The goal is to take at least 10 minutes to work out each day. So far, I’ve been successful at keeping my body moving. I did a kettlebell workout on Monday, some stretching on Tuesday (mainly due to a slightly pulled hamstring), dancing on Wednesday, lawn mowing on Thursday and some digging on Friday. We had some work done on the lawn this week. Anyways, progress!

That’s it for what’s been happening recently. Anything new on your end? Let me know below. Otherwise, I’ll talk to you next week!


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